CHInoypreneur is an advocacy project of Chinoy TV in cooperation with Philippine Franchise Association (PFA), Go Negosyo, Mansmith and Fielders and the Alliance of Filipino-Chinese Students (AFICS) wherein the primary aim is the promotion of entrepreneurship among the youth and to help improve the current state of Chinoy owned businesses by educating them with different tools, technologies and strategies in the fields of leadership, marketing, finance, information technology, human resources and etc. that would enable them to compete with the bigger and more established companies. CHInoypreneur is also a movement which aims to foster unity among the Chinoy community in different industries.
To kick-off CHInoypreneur 2012, CHInoypreneur Day which is co-presented by was held last September 1 in Binondo Manila. It was a one-day business event that gathered the most influential business experts in the country today. The business gurus who shared their knowledge and insights were Samie Lim for franchising, Josiah Go for marketing, Randell Tiongson for finance, Paulo Tibig for basics of entrepeneurship and Michaelangelo Lobrin for positive mindset.

Chinoypreneur will air in Chinoy TV on Net 25 starting this coming October.
“CHInoy TV” is the only Filipino Chinese television show that features Chinese heritage and how it harmonizes with the Filipino culture. It is committed to promote both cultures by featuring Filipino-Chinese lifestyle to its viewers and it is the only show that caters directly to the Filipino-Chinese community.
The show features about successful Chinese personalities, establishments, fashion, travel, entertainment and other happenings surrounding the Filipino-Chinese community. Chinoy TV airs every Sunday 1030am with replays on Tuesday 11pm and Saturday 1030am.